Design by committee - An experiment I want you to be part of

Cleaned up the globe more, changed the "soft" font to one which has a descending "F" and added the grey tint on "soft"

Anagoge said:
Cleaned up the globe more, changed the "soft" font to one which has a descending "F" and added the grey tint on "soft"

i prefer this one. with italic red as well. :)
Ross, what would you like me to do to make it more environmental? You're free to add/remove/change things as long as you can give a specific suggestion.
Sorry - i am being too much like a real client? (make it 'fresher'!).

If i was an arsey client id say

"im the f****ng client, your the C*****g designer - design my f******g logo and make it more environmental, im paying good S******G money to you you jumped up little mouse pushing F**K"*

As im not -
i want it rounder - the typeface rounder on the soft - maybe something cocon or vag?

*PS - this actually happened to me once... thats a story for a different day!
Unfortunately no VAG. A lot of my fonts were lost in a hard drive crash a few weeks ago. I'll be getting them back on Wednesday. Here's another attempt with a different font:
