Seems to me the Green Headings are the same point size and a lighter shade than the black. It's almost like the Body Text is more important than the headings.
The dates for this reason on the right hand side aren't very legible, as they blend in with the page, rather than standing out as a heading - so it's getting lost in the structure of the paragraphs.
Even though you've taken your time, your CV had a spelling error in it. And most people won't appreciate spelling errors, especially when the job is centered around graphic design.
Looking at the Top part of your CV - it's very clustered. It's not easily read and the leading text has no oomph in it to make it more legible
D.O.B: 19/12/1985 | Nationality: British
Compared to
D.O.B: 19/12/1985 | Nationality: British
D.O.B: 19/12/1985 | Nationality: British
Your experience before 2010 isn't really relevant - as you're applying for a graphic design job. It actually makes you look like you've been unable to settle in a profession. This conversation can wait until interview stage - where the employer may or may not ask about your job history prior to what's on your CV.
There's actually a glaring gap in your Work History between 2010 and 2012 - but this only becomes apparent as to why on the next page where you attending college. Because of this and the irrelevance your previous work experience is to the role you want - I'd definitely leave out prior work before college out of the CV.
Think about structuring your CV so that your Acamedics are first and followed directly by your work experience.
GCSE English, English Lit, Maths, Science, Graphic design and Art
should be a cap. Your upper- and lowercase in your typing is a particular highlight throughout your CV.
Account Management
Website design
Later on
These are inconsistencies eagle-eyed CV readers for a graphic design role would take notice of.