Fries With That
Hi guys, I'm currently updating my site from being joomla based to now Wordpress. I've got the theme and have customised it accordingly.
One problem - In the portfolio section of the site I can't seem to get each entry to go into the correct category...for example my web work is appearing in my identity work and vice versa...I also want to remove the text from underneath the images so that it only appears when you click the image to view more...
Anyone have any ideas? I'm not familiar with HTML etc at all so just need a friendly fellow designer on here to have a look and spot what I've done wrong. Shouldn't take more than 5-10minutes I'd imagine.
Check it out here Fries With That | Daniel Blackman | Creative Designer
One problem - In the portfolio section of the site I can't seem to get each entry to go into the correct category...for example my web work is appearing in my identity work and vice versa...I also want to remove the text from underneath the images so that it only appears when you click the image to view more...
Anyone have any ideas? I'm not familiar with HTML etc at all so just need a friendly fellow designer on here to have a look and spot what I've done wrong. Shouldn't take more than 5-10minutes I'd imagine.
Check it out here Fries With That | Daniel Blackman | Creative Designer