Very nice. Very sleek.
Looks almost like a Wordpress template, I like it a lot
Very nice design wise, code could do with some work. Javascript should go at the bottom, use lists for navigation and try not to use <br /> tags
Javascript should go at the bottom
For some reason best known to them, Google has now advised that analytics code goes before the closing head tag.
The site is very nice, great job.
copy and paste it into the bottom of your content, immediately before the </body> tag of each page you are planning to track.
Source: Adding the tracking code (traditional) - Analytics Help
Really? When was this? This is from the help docs.
Copy the following code, then paste it onto every page that you want to track immediately before the closing </head> tag.
For some reason best known to them, Google has now advised that analytics code goes before the closing head tag.
The site is very nice, great job.
As for the break tags, they're not semantic at all, also the context you're using them is to create space between elements for styling purposes which is a job for CSS, they're also quite an old way of doing things
As for the break tags, they're not semantic at all
You could use <br> tags which are considered 'ok' I believe for this scenario, you could also use a <p> tag for each line, you could use a list, but a definition list.
Sorry for hijacking, but I have a feeling that your header/footer will stretch to fit every browser? Like, it'll never come up short?
How do you do that?