
Here I have done a poster and ticket design for an African charity called Kotu for free, I was asked to keep the theme on africa and to design something that was colorful/clean and appealing to the young and old.. and so I did by using the African map, african colours and a clean/readable font.:icon_biggrin:

I have also got to do a programme for the event and so my aim is to keep everything tied together..there is one or two words that I have to change.

Any tips would be appreciated.:icon_biggrin:

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I like it, particularly the poster. I'd reduce the line width of the copy explaining what the event is about and try and 'box it off' though. Also I'd lose the 'Proud Sponsors' bit, reduce the size of the sponsors' logos (despite what they think, people probably couldn't give a shit who's sponsoring :icon_smile:) and place the blurb to the left of them.
Really like them :icon_biggrin:

If you have any need for ticket printing please give me a PM :icon_smile: