Poster design for myself... never easy!

Okay... so its been a little while and I have taken on board comments and went back to the drawing board. After some thought about design concept I have drawn up a rough idea for a more iconic look based on the old Airfix models set. This is a rough drawing I had in mind and just to present the idea... things will be taken out or made to look a hell of lot better, but all depends on the feedback as an idea.

As much as I like the idea I wonder if the Airfix type image will be seen as dated and old fashion and will it stand out enough as a poster.

Opinions welcome.
I think you have taken the constructive criticism well, and come up with a much better concept for a poster design.
This could also provide you with a some exciting ways of promotong yourself via direct mailers, packaging, business cards etc..
Cheers, I only had myself to blame for not putting enough thought into what I was designing.

I wanted to do the design quickly and get on with the paid work. Not a good idea if people are going to be judging me on the design.
alot better than before, as said above make a bit more simple i like the black and white design
A lot better than before but I would agree with making the Airfix frame more, well, Airfiixy! Also I think your logo is getting a little bit lost but definitely a big improvement.
Ok, been busy again but finally had time to do a revamp... thanks for the previous comments / feedback.
Comments welcome once again.

I much perfer the black and white version but as NUGX loose the outerglow from the logo.

OK please dont take this to heart because I am trying to be helpful - I do think this is a far better poster than previous versions BUT when I look at it it doesn'y say "graphic designer" to me, you're making yourself appear more of a signage company, that's the feel of it to me anyway. And if you are all about signage, then great, good job but if you are going for a graphic design approach then No - in my opinion of course.
Yep, Scotty your right, the sign work is quiet a dominant part in what I do. The poster design advertises the services in scale/ relevance of what brings in the most money and has most inquiry's. So as your noticing signs are playing a big role. However where this poster will be advertised (local cafe) there will be a lot of builders and people that may be willing to call about having some signs done rather then graphic design. So its playing safe whilst covering everything I do.