Hello! I'm looking for critisism / suggestions towards a logo i'm trying to make for myself. I'm a freelance graphic / web designer looking to create a logo that is interesting and appealing. As i'm very keen with typography, i have decided to go down the name initial route, my initials being MG, an awkward pair to work with!
Here are what i have come up with so far, full B&W first column, and variation in column 2:
I've actually used the second logo from idea one for business cards, luckily, i didn't spend alot on them at all, so a logo change wouldn't be costly! I went to add it to my website-in-progress, decided i no longer liked it, and ended up with the rest!
Another reason why i dislike both logos from my first idea is due to the descender on the g, it doesn't feel right to me when it is justified left on a page, i don't know if that's just me though?
Any opinions to favorites welcome.
Just to note, i've not experimented fully with colour yet, wanted to get something that works B&W first.
Thanks in advance!
Here are what i have come up with so far, full B&W first column, and variation in column 2:

I've actually used the second logo from idea one for business cards, luckily, i didn't spend alot on them at all, so a logo change wouldn't be costly! I went to add it to my website-in-progress, decided i no longer liked it, and ended up with the rest!
Another reason why i dislike both logos from my first idea is due to the descender on the g, it doesn't feel right to me when it is justified left on a page, i don't know if that's just me though?
Any opinions to favorites welcome.
Just to note, i've not experimented fully with colour yet, wanted to get something that works B&W first.
Thanks in advance!