Keeping track of quotes?..


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to struggle when it comes to keeping track of quotes and then the finer details such as which printer has quoted what & how much I'm charging.

I currently write everything down in a note book & send quotes within an email but as you can imagine, as prospective job specs change so do the prices so things get in a mess!

How do you keep track & organise everything?
I use AccountEdge (from what was Mind Your Own Business - MYOB)
It has quotes, orders, invoices and a purchase section where you can input what your supplier is charging you.

Thoroughly recommend it.

It creates reports for all kinds of bookkeeping and VAT tasks.

I've set up an excel spreadsheet to keep me going but I've also downloaded the demo of Billings to see how I get on with it.
yeah this is something i have be considering alot recently, not only to keep track on qoutes but to keep on top of reaccuring bills etc

i was looking at installing whmcs on my personal server simple to take care of it, but think its a bit overkill for the job in hand.. both those suggested apps are MAC. im still rockin a PC so i would welcome other recomendations

Outlook works fine for e-mail filing. I just split things up between suppliers and customers and then set them out alphabetically. Find it pretty easy to retrieve data and I have a lot to file.
i am now trying out, Kbilling, seems pretty cool.. takes care of everything as far as i can see, just not to keep on the way it emails
... I've also downloaded the demo of Billings to see how I get on with it.

How are you finding/how did you find Billings?

I've used it for ages and found it to be quite pleasing, but I don't use it to it's full potential as I've not had the time/inclination to get stuck into its finer points...
I use a little application called Evernote to keep track of all my ongoing jobs. It’s like a sticky note holder. Not very technical I know but seems to do the job and can synchronise over t’internet to multiple computers (and even my phone). As for keeping track of absolutely everything (all jobs ever done, invoices, client details etc.) I use Filemaker which is a bit of a throwback from when I had to redo a companies database and I’ve just stuck with it every since as I fear change.

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