You have to think about the bigger picture - and by that is - can this be printed on all mediums. Business card (small logo size), can it be printed on a t-shirt, can it be embroidered, can it be printed on vinyl for a window display, can it be one colour and still recognisible. What would happen the logo if someone, I don't know lets say faxed it, or did a poor scanning job of your invoice...
What you have here is an arrow with a chimney. And ask yourself, is this what you want your company logo to really be? I don't think there's enough thought gone into the typography and there's no link to the logo. Your strapline is "Key Properties" but not a single reference to a key in your logo.
A lot of your logo options are not options, they are different fill settings for the arrow. You really need to step away from the computer and it's funky fill settings, and get cracking with pencil and paper. Work only in black and white to begin with (not gray) and make a simple logo that reflects you, your company and isn't just an arrow pointing nowhere with a chimney lumped on the side of it.