I don't know if I have a duff keyboard - it's the wireless aluminium one, but it EATS batteries - I have to replace them every month and I don't even use the keyboard very much - i do most things with my bamboo or my mouse... The weird thing is when I first got my iMac (last year), the batteries in it lasted for about 5 months and then after that - every other brand of battery i stick in it snuffs it after a month - the keyboard keeps disconnecting too unless it has brand-spanking-new batteries, which is ridiculously annoying as they can only be a couple of weeks old - I'm sure it can't suck the juice out in that short space of time.
Anyone else found this? or found a brand of batteries that it won't devour like a sugar junkie with a bag of haribo
Anyone else found this? or found a brand of batteries that it won't devour like a sugar junkie with a bag of haribo