7 Reasons You Shouldn't Use Low Cost Print Suppliers

Totally agree with everything you say, just added it to my likes on stumbleupon and tweeted about it, hopefully word will get around, a bit more anyway
Totally True sadly this is my daily battle I can get them cheaper at vista print now i just say ok go to vista print :( theirs no persuading them at all not even after samples it's all about cost they don't realise that a good looking business card can actually help bring in business and create a talking point with a potential customer.
this is so true i just wish customers could see it through our eyes & take tyhe good advice that we try to offer - ive found tghat they go to vista print & within 3-5 days there back grovelling at your door asking themselves why they didnt listen - a classic case of learning by your mistakes
You can pretty much apply your article to most product/service based industries. As suppliers we're forever trying to access clients who factor in quality as well as price which tends to be the larger ones rather than the one man bands (who usually seem to be penniless or are allergic to spending their own money... ).
You can pretty much apply your article to most product/service based industries. As suppliers we're forever trying to access clients who factor in quality as well as price which tends to be the larger ones rather than the one man bands (who usually seem to be penniless or are allergic to spending their own money... ).

Yeah I guess you could, just printing struck home for me with it happening quite often. "I can get cheaper business cards with Visaprint"...."Great".

@Boss @Minuteman - no bother at all. More than welcome.
So true..
But you forgot to add..
One reason to use cheapo printers - you need to be humbled - and realise you only get what you pay for.
...Pay cheap, pay twice. Used to picking up the pieces.

You're dangerously close to letting the cat out of the bag there: it's well known that Vistaprint isn't an authentic business but rather a smoke-and-mirrors service that operates as a loss-leading front for the wider print industry in order to get non-savvy punters through the door so you can bring them back to a different address a week later and bamboozle them with a lot of bogus economic fast talk about paying reasonable rates for a reasonable job.

I'm on to you, print boy...
did you know back in early 2000's they sold 'print your own stationery' Yeap.
Of course it suits the school kids - must be their market.. haha.
Totally True sadly this is my daily battle I can get them cheaper at vista print now i just say ok go to vista print :( theirs no persuading them at all not even after samples it's all about cost they don't realise that a good looking business card can actually help bring in business and create a talking point with a potential customer.

I work for Aubergine Print Ltd and we do not consider Vista Print a ccompetitor as they sell a completely different product :icon_biggrin: