What is this background image called?


Well-Known Member
Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 17.24.22.png

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know what the image in the background is called? Purely for searching purposes, I'm not looking to recreate the background effect myself from scratch. I would like to source a similar image to use in a design. My client sent it to me; she likes it as an idea due to the imagery {sigh} :(

Thank you.
Oh yeah, I have heard of Bokeh before, not a word I ever remember though; probably because it sounds Vulcan.
Isn't that just a photographic technique for blurring the background, where the foreground stays in focus???
Generally speaking, yes.

It comes from the Japanese (Boke) and means blurry.
It's become a general term for blurred points of light on the background of an image and Carl's image is the kind of stereotypical example of this.