Photoshop or Illustrator

Thank you for your input Janifar, most helpful. I wouldn't say one is for experts though, they are just different tools.
Well I guess it just goes down to preference. I myself prefer Illustrator, this is pretty much the first adobe program that I learned to use to I had time to play around with it.
I use Photoshop occasionally but not enough to say that I can hands down do anything in it. I like for editing and cleaning photos, but everything I do is in Illustrator. When you are a graphic design student (me) you do alot with logo design and typography so Illustrator to me is easier to use for those projects.
I used to be same as you, but I used to avoid illustrator as much as possible. As a designer thought they are both vital and do different things. I use Illustrator a lot in web design to create shapes that are a pain to create in photoshop. If you struggle with something its better to focus on that aspect and improve rather than avoid it.