Working Men's College


New Member
I'm thinking of undertaking a course in Graphic Design, has anyone references about this place?

Thanks in advance
If I'm honest, I've never heard of a Working Men's College. Is it for seedy old men, like a Working Men's Club?
  • How to design eye-catching book covers
  • How to create designs for product packaging
  • How to devise advertising campaigns for the music industry
  • How to produce flyers and leaflets
  • How to design postage stamps
  • How to develop cartoon characters for use in the advertising industry.

Does these seem random and a bit too specific to anyone else?

If you can find some, it's always much better to look at work produced during the course and by graduates. Everyone can write great overviews of courses, but it's best to hear from previous students and see what they think.
Thanks for the comments guys.
I couldn't find any reliable sources online...

I finished a course at St Martins a few months ago and wasn't really pleased with the outcome
so I was looking for different options and came across Working Men's College whose courses are extremely cheap.

What's a good alternative to St Martins courses? Any personal experiences?

Thanks a lot again.
So you've completed a 3 year degree course at St Martins, wern't happy with the outcome, and want to do another degree course? That's commitment. Can't say I'd do that. If location is no issue, I'd recommend the graphic design course ran by Weston College in partnership with Bath Spa University.

I graduated from there 2 years ago. I did their 2 year FdA (Foundation Degree) Graphic Design course, and a 3rd year top-up to a full degree.

I originally applied to Falmouth, Plymouth, Camberwell, and Bath Spa/Weston. I got offers from all 4. Falmouth's reputation is awesome, but the people there were so up themselves, and the facilities (at least when I was there) were awful. Camberwell accepted me, on the provision that by the time I started, my parents were earning more than when I was interviewed (snobby bastards).

Bath/Weston's course blew me away. Not only was there at least 4 hours of tutor/student contact A DAY (that's so unheard of at university level), each student had their own desk space, a weekly tutorial as well as brand new facilities.

Most 3 year degree courses don't offer alot in experience or focus after graduation. The most you'll find is probably outside speakers, some print workshops etc.. The Fda/topup was so different, and so much better. Instead of a regular 3 year university degree where not a lot happens after it, the 3rd year top-up was solely focused on life in the industry after. At the beginning of the 3rd year, I actually began my own design studio with 2 friends on the same course - whilst studying. This gave us 1 year's industry experience before we'd even graduated. We had business modules, freelancing modules, networking modules, as well as guest speakers, the lot. We were running our studio whilst writing our dissertations too. I don't know of many other uni's that offer this sort of thing.

Whilst some uni's have good reputations, there is no way I'd be where I am if I had started at Falmouth or Camberwell. I'd definately go for an FdA degree and top it up after if you wish.
Thanks again for all the information. I forgot to mention it was a short course!
I'm looking for something part-time as I can't afford studying full time.