Thanks for showing us your hard work.
I've had a quick look at the working version of the website and I feel that the main thing to consider with the design is giving the site more impact. I think the grey nav bar needs to be a stronger colour (as do the headings on the 'Want More' pods). For this type of website, I'd like to see a fresh, modern approach with clear, simple icons and a heading hierarchy.
I think you need to spend time styling the feed boxes as the colours used here are too random. Develop a colour palette of 3 or 4 colours and use this throughout the site. Think about introducing photography and designing a custom logo. I'm also not a massive fan of using a serif typeface through the site. At the minute the style of the website reminds me of a RSS feed page instead of a slick, modern website that visitors will be attracted to. I also don't see the point of the icons being hidden in the nav bar (surely the point of icons is to make it easier to identify individual areas?)
Sorry if my comments seem a bit harsh - by all means post up a revisions to the design for future feedback.