Work Experience


New Member
Hi there,

I am a student at Swindon College and I am doing a graphic design BA course in my second year.

I was just wondering if you could help me, I'm looking to do some work experience, i've had a look online but cannot find a thing!

I live in Witney, Oxfordshire so anything around this area would be great, but I do have a car so can travel.

Thank you for your time,

Rachael x :icon_biggrin::icon_lol:
Hi Rachael

Welcome to the Graphic Design Forums :icon_smile:

I would visit the following link...

Oxfordshire Graphic Designers Oxfordshire Graphic Agencies

...and contact a few companies local to you via e-mail/telephone, if you are just after work experience and happy not to be paid I am sure they will give you some help.

Hope that helps a bit, others may have some different ideas, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask.

P.S: Don't forget to mention us to your fellow class mates :icon_thumbup:
Hi Rachel, good to see you join up :). The link Damon above has sent you seems to be aptly named, so hopefully you'll find something.
Hi Racheal, check out this company - Creative Protege Ltd if you want to do some voluntary work. Otherwise i would say its a great time to start thinking of yourself as a product and trying to market yourself to some local companies. Have you considered designing a flyer / HTML email that you can send to companies stating your availability - you could even put a samples of your work on there.

PS. Wont your careers department help you out?