Work experience


New Member
Hi im a 14 year old boy going to be 15 soon
and my schools currently given us our work experience forms
quite early in advance for july and i currently
study art graphics course at my school and im wondering
if i could get one weeks work experience in the art graphics industry
im already aware that id be making tea and coffee but it would be better
than stacking shelves at HMV and suggestions ?

by the way i am from london and will travel
roughly to west/central london

You're very young and still learning, but if you're serious about asking for work experience in graphic design, or indeed any industry, you're going to have to work harder than that at your writing.
Graphic design is about communication, and if you can't tell your uppercase from your full-stops, then I doubt you're going to have the easiest of times. It took me longer to read your post, than it does to read any others.

With regards to finding work experience, I would suggest going through the Yellow Pages, or doing a quick google search for design companies in your area and getting in touch.
You could send them a - well written - letter, or email. What worked for me though, was ringing around and asking to speak to the Managers directly. I'm not sure if you have any kind of art & design work that you could show as yet, but if you do, you could offer to send a few samples of these.

Also, most people automatically think 'graphic design studio' when seeking work experience, but remember that lots of other types of businesses may also be able to offer what you need, i.e. printers, in-house at different sector companies, etc. For me, working just one week at a local printing firm helped me the most because as well as design, I learnt about different stock, printing techniques, pre-press and so on.

Good luck :icon_thumbup:
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