Ah I wish I could say the same as you Soprano, I'm constantly battling with the question am I in the right career? and it's quite nice to hear I'm not alone! It sounds like a fantasy but I've always dreamed of being a dancer. Street, jazz, contemporary you name it I'd be happy to have studied it, and regret not doing so. Or more realistically but still fantastical a travel journalist.
I do enjoy graphic design but I'm happiest when I'm taking on my own clients/projects. I guess I resent working 'for' other companies even when I'm freelancing. I often have thoughts of going into partnership with other like-minded people or with friends who are designers but I lack the confidence. If I knew of anyone more senior and experienced who wanted to work in partnership I would definitely go for it! On that note, does anyone know of anyone? or have any suggestions?!
Thanks! and sorry for hijacking your thread :icon_blushing: