What does your business card say?


Well-Known Member
The first Bleed Ink cards I got had me and my partner down as "creative director" as, at the time I must have thought a title would make starting out in business easier.Since weve just moved we needed some temporary cards to tie us over till we have time to sort our where the business is going etc.. When reviewing the artwork for my temporary cards I decided my title was almost irrelevant and so I've had some fun and titled myself "Head Tea Boy" and my partner "Big Cheese".

What's your card say and why?
"buy some goddam graphics and printing you motherfu...."

or it might just say "freelance graphic design and print" :icon_biggrin:
I put graphic designer but that title seems to have lost a lot of impact recently. A few people I know are putting things like "creative designer", or "craftsman" which I just think is a bit pretentious.
Mine simply says 'Graphic Designer.' It is to the point and is a more accurate description of what I do. I think having Creative Designer could mean anything and when I read that I sometimes feel it is just someone who does less work but gets paid more haha I don't know why. I hope in the near(ish) future I can 'upgrade' my 'title' to 'Art Director.' Some Art Directors in the industry are shocking, and it baffles me how they are even considered Art Directors.
I put graphic designer but that title seems to have lost a lot of impact recently. A few people I know are putting things like "creative designer", or "craftsman" which I just think is a bit pretentious.

I don't use a business card but, when I do need to use a title, I style myself 'Designer/Director'; 'designer' (rather than 'graphic designer') as I find that's how most of the people I work with refer to me (and graphic design is self-evidently what I do), and 'director' as I'm a limited company (which is an important factor in a lot of the contracts I maintain) - always 'designer' first, though, and 'director' just so people know who/what they're dealing with.

Paul's right that pretentiousness abounds in creative fields and I guess it depends on people's point of view but I find anything that isn't a simple description of who you are and what they do to be a massive turn-off. On the specific issue of 'creative designer', you have to ask yourself what the obvious alternatives are ('uncreative designer'?), and 'craftsman' makes you sound like a self-aggrandizing dick.

I used to work with a web developer who referred to himself as the Duke of URL, which I thought was kind of nice, but anything jokey or 'clever' is always a risk.
We (the design dept) are referred to by most of the staff at work as "the picture people". In return we call the journalists "word people", accounts as "money people" and sales as "cu...".. Anyway...

Maybe my permanent cards should list me as picture person?
Are there a lot of cute people in sales at your place, then? And are the IT department the 'Red Dwarf t-shirt people'? They are everywhere I ever worked...
I put graphic designer but that title seems to have lost a lot of impact recently. A few people I know are putting things like "creative designer", or "craftsman" which I just think is a bit pretentious.

Mine also just say 'Graphic Designer', albeit I very rarely seem to use them - probably not a good thing!
Not a business card, but the last agency I worked for, described me on their team page as the 'User Experience Architect'. Now that's creative.
Agree - no title. I was then able to tell one (nasty) bloke who came into my print shop that I was only the junior* (and not the boss!)

*long tome ago!