Website Design Comments

The only thing I'd say is that when I'm trying to scroll up and down the site using the arrow keys on my keyboard, it doesn't work and only scrolls the Twitter feed?
The only thing I'd say is that when I'm trying to scroll up and down the site using the arrow keys on my keyboard, it doesn't work and only scrolls the Twitter feed?

Oh this sure is true did not notice this one. Will be sure to fix for the next update. Well spotted and thank you for the comment.
Very nice and enjoyable to flick through....lost 20minutes there noseying! Only one small point (not really a critisium as Im not sure if its a good or bad thing) as a user there are a alot of different ways to get to the same point. The navigation bar at the top with the drop downs, the buttons in the middle and the links at the bottom (when in the print section for example...) it left me feeling like I wasn't sure if I had nosied at everything. Which could be confusing to a non-webby woman like myself!

I initially noticed the coloured buttons first as the navigation...then realised there was another navigation method. Its maybe not a valid point to make really...Im just blahdblahding....

P.s Love the name! Oh and on a wide screen you cute little contact us tab (which is a really lovely idea and made me go oohh like that) is easily missed...but once again not everyone has a large monitor!


Thank you very much for your time and comments. I will have a look at a way of trying to make the navigation(s) less confusing.Glad you liked the "Contact" slide tab !