Website Critique



Hi everyone,

New to forum and hoping to get some feedback on my website and it's contents. I have 3 years professional experience in design and a degree. My main passion is mixed media illustration so I am hoping eventually that I can make a decent living out of selling prints, greeting cards, and fabrics, etc, sometime in the near future.

Here is my website - Charotte Marie - Graphic Artist and Creative Designer it's a work in progress at the min so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I am not allowed (by contract) to put any work on that I have done with my company so this section will have to wait... I hope you like :icon_smile:
I like the minimalistic layout and I think the work on there is good too, I like what you've done with your name for the main header as well.

The only thing I'm not sure works so well at the moment is the image slider you've used on the illustration portfolio, might work better if the first image showing is the one from the far left rather than in the centre.
I really like it. Think it works well. I assume you will be delivering some alternative HTML content for the iPad users of this world?
I assume you will be delivering some alternative HTML content for the iPad users of this world?


Thanks for your feedback, glad you like it, good idea about the illustration page. Yep, I will be adding an alternative mobile version soon, ust trying to get this one sorted first. The only thing I'm struggling with is finding my page in a browser but I'll have a look through the SEO bit and see if I can get any tips there.
