Waffley and somewhat vague multimedia question


New Member
Dear All.

I work heavily on design interaction elements and things that move around when you click them, online. :)

I've been using flash cs3 for a number of years since i have graduated, to produce interactive adventures (point click games of museums etc).

But i have been using the 'flash forms' or 'presentations' method that works like a tree of parent application form one child, form 2 child. These forms represent the different levels if you will, that you you can switch on and off. Basically flash remembers in a simple way by hiding the form and revealing.
(and yes, retro a.s 2.I have started to dabble with as3.)

Application (root)
level 1 (on)
level 2 (off)

does flash cs5 - as3 still support this feature? is it worth my time learning this procedure in flash or should i diversify.

Tough question. :)
