Wacom or Huion for a student


New Member
I was wondering what should I get I feel like I like more the Huion since it looks more comfortable then the Wancom although I have read in its reviews that the only problem is that pen 4k reviews and only about 4 to 5 bad reviews on the pen that they have to change it, quite alot. I was looking online to look for the durability or lifespan of the pw100 pen of Huion although I could not find my answer.
Though the Wancom is smaller and seems to have no buttons at all, thats the most con it has but its pen seems to be much better, but pw100 pen has better features.

im a student with a low budget can't go over the price of these sadly, and the use of these tablet are only to math problem solving and taking notes.


Wacom CTL472K1A One​

Huion Inspiroy H640P​

if you're on a budget but features the same tech as a higher priced model ; Go for HUION or XP-Pen . If you have a higher budget, go for Wacom .

You can't go wrong with one of those three.