Virtual Reality Tool for 3D model view and work


New Member
Hello everyone,

with my startup I have developed a VR tool with which you can evaluate and edit your 3D models.

You can download the free version here:

Our tool is super intuitive

1. import your 3d model
2. start VR (so simple)

All settings (material slots, light effects, normal flip...) are automatically taken over by our software.
We use the power of the UnrealEngine for the phorealistic.

Please let me know if you have feedback :)

Have fun with construction and design

Best Regards,
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The download link is so far down the page. Initially, I didn't hang around the site because there was no "call to action" and I closed the window, but then decided to give it a go for a review.

The download should appear constantly on the page. If not, you'll get more like me that will just skim past the website and on to the next.
The download link is so far down the page. Initially, I didn't hang around the site because there was no "call to action" and I closed the window, but then decided to give it a go for a review.

The download should appear constantly on the page. If not, you'll get more like me that will just skim past the website and on to the next.

Hi thank you for the feedback!
I will add a call-2-Action button on the top of the website.
I do 3D rendering etc and in all honesty I don't actually see a reason to use it based on your website....

Being honest, that website is really lacking in any useful information for me personally, it doesn't even tell me what formats you support, it just says 'multiple file formats supported', it also only seems you only support vive.

Don't get me wrong I like the idea of VR, or more precisely augmented reality (aka AR, ie hololens) but I just don't see anything I would use on a regular basis in this program.

Personally I think I'd be better served with unity or unreal engine because, at least in my case, it would give greater VR/AR headset support and I can just build the scene directly, meaning I get paid more, rather than needing to outsource that part to you.

Also while it might be 'free' now, I suspect you will be after money at some point and I like to know about 'running costs' before integrating new things into my business and well you don't have that sort of information, even though you say you can supply a vive headset etc.