Triple Stock Business Cards


Hi guys,

I've been doing freelance design for some time now, and I've finally got round to launching my own business.
(I also work full time so up until now, design work has been ad hoc and extra pocket money)
It's an exciting time for me. Its now a limited company and I can do everything officially and by the book.

Being a design company specializing in logos and branding, I need my cards to be perfect.

I was thinking of having two different levels of cards.
One batch standard every day use (but not cheap and nasty), and a real quality version with triple stock colour insert and debossed finishing.

I recall a guy who frequents this forum that runs a print business.
Does anyone know who I'm thinking of?
I'd like to keep my personal printing within circles I can trust.
I'm not sure whether the guy in question does triple stock cards, but it'd be great to find out.
