Transparent plastic cards

You may be interested to know I have received samples from Both Eye Catchers and Plasma Design this morning. They both offer Plastic business cards of various types. Plasma go as far to even offer metal cards which are really impressive.

But one thing I have noted is the quality. Although both are very good. The cards from Plasma are much better than the Eye Catchers ones. The range is more extensive to, but is reflected in there price.

I would recommend for anyone wanting to purchase these cards for a client to order samples like I did first. To avoid he disappointment of the customer.

I will see if I can post some pics later today.
Requesting samples is always a good call, I too received some samples of plastic ones in the past and they were REALLY poor quality, although they were cheap. I think with plastic cards price is definitely the key factor, usually the more they cost the better they least that is what we found.