Probably about time - many printers have been swallowing their costs for years. Certainly in my area the numbers of printers who have gone bust or had to merge in the last few years is amazing! When you consider that litho presses cost anything from £250K upwards - my last company is now buying one at £800,000 - and you have to have platemakers, guillotines, creasers, folders, numbering, etc etc. it is not surprising that prices are beginning to rise.
More important though is quality, reliability and service.
Make friends with a couple of local printers and then also use tried and tested folks on here. Local printers will give you more of a choice of stock, and will help you with advice - if you ask. No-one wants to print a rubbish job but as a designer your skill, if you are buying print, is knowing who to place different types of jobs with. I have about 4 different sized local printers that I use and then I make use of a couple of on-line suppliers. (mentioning no names!). No bad experience so far.
Come on printers make sure that you are charging enough for your work. Take a stand. We need to to get some value back in the business of design and print. It is not a commodity - well not all of it - and a beautifully designed and printed piece is a joy!!
Rant over.