THAT PRINT THING - help? off shelf e-commerce


New Member
Hello everyone I'm new here.

I'm just wondering if anyone had any dealings with this company

They appear to be a new off shoot of Sense Creative (who I know haven't got the best repuatation on here :S) although I've have had no problems with them thus far.

Basically they offer you your own prebuilt ecommerce print shop for £30 a month and the option to print with them at a discounted rate or you can differ the print to which ever other supplier you choose. They offer templates/webspace, a 'design tool' ( which might be more trouble that it's worth) but the main plus is having a pre set up print shop to be able to take new business over the internet at a reasonable running cost.

So I was was quite excited by this prospect of as I'm starting up my own freelance site after having worked 'for the man' in design and print for quite some time now.

Web design is not my strong suit and whilst I can just about sort out my own portfolio site; Ecommerce sites with many pages of products and option sounds like a whole heap of headache to me. This looks like a decent solution to make my freelance efforts into full package type solution.

Your thoughts please....
That has been around for ages and yes Sense Creative are behind it.

I don't actually know of anyone who uses their system, however, from what I have read I do know that they are hit and miss in terms of quality and service.
Personally wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. Personally I have 2 or 3 regular printers who are VERY good in terms of quality and print, they have provided me with trade price lists, it is very simple to use those to calculate your prices and display them on your own site if required.
If you want a service to offer print online and for your clients to be able purchase direct, you might be better off setting up your own ecommerce website. There are plenty you can setup out of the box and some are also free. The best service you can offer is quality print, at the right price and with a strong delivery service. To provide this, you might want to manage this yourself as you can follow all the stages and make sure the client gets what they want and you are both happy with the completed work.

I suggest this because there are already a large amount of online printing services and it's competitive and so as a new start up you want to make sure the first few jobs run smoothly and you build up repeating business.

Good luck, mark