Student Graphic Design Competition

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New Member

Our exhibition stand design/print company is running a new competition for students and have had some success contacting graphic design course tutors directly. My question is, where do tutors find live briefs & competitions normally?

Obviously contacting tutors directly is fine, but sometimes I feel it is a bit of a hassle for them when they have such busy schedules (getting hold of one is a minor miracle!). Is there a place where tutors might look for briefs independently?


I would imagine their briefs are just recycled briefs from previous years, edited to be different and to fit the syllabus. Some are real life briefs, others are just made to challenge a students skills and understanding of what they have learnt.
My tutors would either know someone personally who had a project that was suitable, or they were contacted by someone externally. Not every project is suitable for a live brief though, since it needs to have the scope required to allow students to gain the marks they need in particular modules, whilst also taking up a set amount of time on the curriculum.
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