I am currently in a full time job where i get to use some of my Design Skills. I have found a real passion for it and i spend a lot of my time working for a number of clients freelance. I also work for a friends business, churning out wordpress sites to his client base. My full time job is looking precarious at the minute and i could find myself out of work. With this in mind i have been proactively trying to get more work to the point where i need to look at my future more carefully. As i am only doing bits and bats i haven't registered myself as a sole trader due to me still being in full time employment. As i have said this is likely to change and i will therefore look at making this my sole income.
I am obviously concerned that going from a well paid job with a regular income to having to market myself and win as many jobs as i can fit in the time i have to earn similar money after tax deductions, that it will be a scary time. I may be able to work for an old firm for a few days a week but the rest of my time will be spent working on various projects to earn my living. I am also an IT Support technician and while i am trying to fill my time could look at using those skills.
I suppose my reason for boring you with all this is to gain some advice from anyone who found themselves in my position or similar and how things have panned out for them.
I must add that i dont see myself as a "top notch designer" i am realistic in my abilities but over the last 4 years have worked for many clients and never had any negative feedback. I am also constantly striving to learn new things to develop my skill set and be more confident in my own ability.
Thanks for reading and i look forward to reading about your experiences
I am currently in a full time job where i get to use some of my Design Skills. I have found a real passion for it and i spend a lot of my time working for a number of clients freelance. I also work for a friends business, churning out wordpress sites to his client base. My full time job is looking precarious at the minute and i could find myself out of work. With this in mind i have been proactively trying to get more work to the point where i need to look at my future more carefully. As i am only doing bits and bats i haven't registered myself as a sole trader due to me still being in full time employment. As i have said this is likely to change and i will therefore look at making this my sole income.
I am obviously concerned that going from a well paid job with a regular income to having to market myself and win as many jobs as i can fit in the time i have to earn similar money after tax deductions, that it will be a scary time. I may be able to work for an old firm for a few days a week but the rest of my time will be spent working on various projects to earn my living. I am also an IT Support technician and while i am trying to fill my time could look at using those skills.
I suppose my reason for boring you with all this is to gain some advice from anyone who found themselves in my position or similar and how things have panned out for them.
I must add that i dont see myself as a "top notch designer" i am realistic in my abilities but over the last 4 years have worked for many clients and never had any negative feedback. I am also constantly striving to learn new things to develop my skill set and be more confident in my own ability.
Thanks for reading and i look forward to reading about your experiences