Although not explicitly a competition, we are giving away money for designs, not a lot but its the taking part and a chance to get your skin design downloaded at by thousands of people.
Over at Skin Consortium we have a call to design for creating designs to go into our cPro plugin for Winamp, we will also accept a design going into Xion and possibly our new and upcoming Flex engine (again for winamp)
For those not familiar with cPro - ClassicPro - It is a way to skin modern Winamp skins using the old Winamp method of skinning, ie preset layout for where buttons are placed etc..
Our cPro plugin has surpassed 1 million downloads and has a fantastic skin base so far.
If designing a skin for Winamp put you off in the past due to lack of coding knowledge then our cPro engine is ideal for you.
You can also check out existing skins at SUI Skins - Customize Winamp Media Player
There are also numerous skins at DeviantArt
If anyone has any questions then don't hesitate to ask me!
Over at Skin Consortium we have a call to design for creating designs to go into our cPro plugin for Winamp, we will also accept a design going into Xion and possibly our new and upcoming Flex engine (again for winamp)
For those not familiar with cPro - ClassicPro - It is a way to skin modern Winamp skins using the old Winamp method of skinning, ie preset layout for where buttons are placed etc..
Our cPro plugin has surpassed 1 million downloads and has a fantastic skin base so far.
If designing a skin for Winamp put you off in the past due to lack of coding knowledge then our cPro engine is ideal for you.
You can also check out existing skins at SUI Skins - Customize Winamp Media Player
There are also numerous skins at DeviantArt
If anyone has any questions then don't hesitate to ask me!
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