Site advice

Hi Guys
I just finished a site, (I don't take credit for the code) but the concept and graphics where mine, I'm an IT Consultant definitely dont profess to be a graphic designer was just helping my dad out saving him some money,

I was hoping you might give some constructive criticism



KLS Care Ltd - Catering And Refrigeration Engineers

Couple of things I'd look at switching up to help the site. The email address, phone number etc. in the black on dark grey is a little hard to read. I'd suggest either lightening the text or the bar behind it. I'd also maybe look at relocating the list of services that sits directly below the menu. I had to look twice to find the navigation because it was distracting me. It's useful info to have a services list but maybe look at moving it. Hope that helps.
Hi Createmake,
Thanks for your feedback, as i mentioned I really don't work in graphic design, I was just doing my dad a favour, how ever as a professional in the IT field every aspect of IT interests me and i look to get better, when you say the graphics look dated in what respect? also what do you mean by lack of padding and clear grid?
