Setting up Large (huge) format Artwork?

Hi guys,

quick question, I need to set up artwork for a banner that is 27 metres long by 2.3 metres high?

its to be printed onto Ultramesh.

The banner is predominantly imagery which I have high resolution versions from the photographer, photo manipulation is needed to blend into one another so was hoping to set up artwork within Photo shop?

what's the best option?
Find out who is going to print it and ask them for their guidelines on large format work.
The resolution will no doubt be 75-150dpi at actual size, though others request artwork at 300dpi at quarter size.
Some printers prefer RGB files to CMYK too.
Once you have that info you can get going. If the file becomes too large to email then use one of the free online large file senders YouSendit etc.
Find out who is going to print it and ask them for their guidelines on large format work.
The resolution will no doubt be 75-150dpi at actual size, though others request artwork at 300dpi at quarter size.
Some printers prefer RGB files to CMYK too.
Once you have that info you can get going. If the file becomes too large to email then use one of the free online large file senders YouSendit etc.

This seems fairly sound advice to me, although even at quarter size a 300dpi file is going to be huge! If you can work with that then fine, if not just make it as big as your computer can handle and try not to worry too much. Large banners are designed to be viewed from a distance, so it doesn't matter if they don't look great close up, most people will be at least 2m + away. Discussing it with the printers is probably the best option.
The original poster asked for advice and this was an indication of how I've been asked to supply artworks to some of the largest large format printers in the UK for some major international clients.

I think 'making the file as large as possible' isn't particularly sound advice and as I said, a discussion with your printer will provide the necessary information to get the best output.

I would have anticipated more detail from the previous poster called 'The Poster Printer'!
Yikes! That could be a big file size. I'd go with the advice of speaking to whoever is printing it.

A few years back, I did a pop display which was heavy in imagery. My mac nearly had a nervous breakdown. The mac was getting on in years anyway but it also proved to my employer that it was the mac that was slow not me! :icon_tongue_smilie: