I am currently in the process of starting up a part-time freelance business to boost my income. I am a print based graphic designer, so will be concentrating on this side of things.
However, I have noticed online that some companies seem to be using sites such as Weebly to create websites for their clients. I think they have a "reseller" option. This basically means the designer pays a higher cost to use their technology for commercial purposes.
Has anybody come across this or does anybody use a reseller program for their business? As a designer with no coding skills, it would perhaps be something I would consider offering clients in the future.
I am currently in the process of starting up a part-time freelance business to boost my income. I am a print based graphic designer, so will be concentrating on this side of things.
However, I have noticed online that some companies seem to be using sites such as Weebly to create websites for their clients. I think they have a "reseller" option. This basically means the designer pays a higher cost to use their technology for commercial purposes.
Has anybody come across this or does anybody use a reseller program for their business? As a designer with no coding skills, it would perhaps be something I would consider offering clients in the future.