recruitment website advice please


New Member
Hello all,

I've just started reading this forum, packed with lots info!
I recently moved to Scotland from Ireland, I worked as a graphic and web designer at a small design studio in Ireland last 10 years.

I've been sending CVs in Scotland at the moment, then I found most of vacancy ads are advertised by recruitment agencies, and their clients are usually quite big companies.

I'd like to find vacancy ads posted by studio managing directors rather than recruitment agencies. I'd appreciate if any of you have suggestion which recruitment website I should check.

I'm checking following websites everyday;
- The Drum
- Design Week (hardly any jobs in Scotland)
- Creative Match (hardly any jobs in Scotland)
- Gumtree
- s1jobs
- Indeed
- Jobseekers Direct

Thanks in advance!:icon_notworthy:
Is there any reason why you don't want to use recruitment agencies?

With the experience you have, it should be quite straightforward for you to get yourself a freelance or permanent position via a recruitment agency. As long as you tell them in your initial interview what type of position you're looking for (and that you don't want to be designing PowerPoint templates), then you should be okay.

The other advantage with using a recruitment agency, is that you'll be able to ask for a much higher hourly rate / salary than if you got a job via the usual route.
Thanks for advice sthomas,

Several recruitment agents have been working hard to find a suitable position at the moment.
Sorry I should explained whole situation in the beginning.

During agents are sending my applications, I'd like to start sending my CV and portfolio to design studio managing directors. I picked 10 small studios, called them and sent emails, unfortunately none of studios have any vacancy at the moment.

In Ireland, there is a website the irish creative design community | creative ireland
where you can see ads are posted by studios.
I wish I could find similar website if it exist in the UK, specially Scotland area.

Thanks for your advice!
Thanks for clarifying your position...I wouldn't limit your applications to only 10 agencies, I would send as many as possible. I would also try contacting local businesses in your area to see if there's any freelance work available.

I'm guessing you already have a website but if not, then this is a necessity. You could also start following some recruitment / job boards on Twitter.

Good luck!
Thanks for your advice sthomas!

I was a bit anti-Twitter person, but I knew one day I have to start it to see how it works, so now is a good time, thanks for a top.

I think keep calling to local desigin studios will be the fastest way as you mentioned.
Thank you!
I admit that lots of people just use Twitter for the typical pointless messages, but as well as the latest jobs there are hundreds of great design, typography and web stuff to follow.

The other great thing about Twitter is that you can create custom searches to follow ie. 'Design job Edinburgh' ' Design vacancy Scotland' etc etc - as soon as any of these search terms gets tweeted, the message pops up on your Twitter client.
Thanks sthomas,

just created Twitter account, actually it is quite fun!
I serched some words, and I didn't see any jobs in Scotland, however I found some more design studios near me, that's great!

I really appreciate your tips, thank you so much!