New Member
Hi Guys,
I am currently writing a dissertation concerning Graphic Design in Advertising aimed at Children. It is for my honors degree in multimedia. As part of my research, I have constructed a questionnaire aimed specifically at Graphic Designers. I would be very grateful if you could take 3 minutes of your time to fill it out. It would be extremely useful to my work.
If you could send your answers as soon as possible via private mail to: [email protected], that would be great.
Below is the questionnaire.
I look foward to hearing your opinions.
Many thanks,
Q1. How do you see yourself?
o Artist
o Graphic Designer
o Web Designer
o Illustrator
o Other (Please State)
Q2. Is your work
o Freelance
o As part of a Design Firm or Agency
o Other (Please State)
Q3. What type of design work are you involved in?
o Print
o Web
o Animation
o Other (Please State)
Q4. Where do you work from?
o Studio
o Home
o Other (Please State)
Q5. Where is your workspace located?
o City
o Town
o Countryside
Q6. How much of your work involves Print Advertising to the general public?
o A small portion of my work
o A big portion of my work
Q7. Do you think there is a lot of Print Advertising aimed at children? Please Give A Reason.
Q8. Do you think that children are becoming more avid consumers because of Print Advertising? Please Give A Reason.
Q9. In design, do you think colour and typography play an important role in Advertising towards children? Please give a reason.
Q10. Do you think the use of celebrities, pop stars and footballers in Advertising towards children are important in getting a message across? Please give a reason.
(a) What messages (if any), do you think advertisers like to get across to children specifically?
(b) How do you, as a designer, incorporate these messages into the design process?
(c) Do you think this can have harmful effects?
Q12. How much of an influence do you think advertisers and marketers have on design in general?
Q13. Digital manipulation in Photoshop has raised questions about the authenticity of images. What is your opinion with regard to this statement?
Q14. In her book ‘The Lolita Effect’, the author, M. Gigi Durham, heavily outlines the increasing sexualisation of young girls in the mass media for profit. Do you think Photoshop has contributed to this? Please Explain.
Q15. As a designer, how do you feel about your answer above?
Thank you for taking part in this Questionnaire.
I am currently writing a dissertation concerning Graphic Design in Advertising aimed at Children. It is for my honors degree in multimedia. As part of my research, I have constructed a questionnaire aimed specifically at Graphic Designers. I would be very grateful if you could take 3 minutes of your time to fill it out. It would be extremely useful to my work.
If you could send your answers as soon as possible via private mail to: [email protected], that would be great.
Below is the questionnaire.
I look foward to hearing your opinions.
Many thanks,
Q1. How do you see yourself?
o Artist
o Graphic Designer
o Web Designer
o Illustrator
o Other (Please State)
Q2. Is your work
o Freelance
o As part of a Design Firm or Agency
o Other (Please State)
Q3. What type of design work are you involved in?
o Print
o Web
o Animation
o Other (Please State)
Q4. Where do you work from?
o Studio
o Home
o Other (Please State)
Q5. Where is your workspace located?
o City
o Town
o Countryside
Q6. How much of your work involves Print Advertising to the general public?
o A small portion of my work
o A big portion of my work
Q7. Do you think there is a lot of Print Advertising aimed at children? Please Give A Reason.
Q8. Do you think that children are becoming more avid consumers because of Print Advertising? Please Give A Reason.
Q9. In design, do you think colour and typography play an important role in Advertising towards children? Please give a reason.
Q10. Do you think the use of celebrities, pop stars and footballers in Advertising towards children are important in getting a message across? Please give a reason.
(a) What messages (if any), do you think advertisers like to get across to children specifically?
(b) How do you, as a designer, incorporate these messages into the design process?
(c) Do you think this can have harmful effects?
Q12. How much of an influence do you think advertisers and marketers have on design in general?
Q13. Digital manipulation in Photoshop has raised questions about the authenticity of images. What is your opinion with regard to this statement?
Q14. In her book ‘The Lolita Effect’, the author, M. Gigi Durham, heavily outlines the increasing sexualisation of young girls in the mass media for profit. Do you think Photoshop has contributed to this? Please Explain.
Q15. As a designer, how do you feel about your answer above?
Thank you for taking part in this Questionnaire.