Practice Briefs & Test Projects?


New Member
Hey Guys!! I'me new to the forum, Ive been on a hunt recently for somewhere to get ideas for test briefs and fake projects and stuff. Do you know anywhere to get this sort of thing??
Maybe we should come up with some test briefs and start a thread where people like yourself can enter their ideas for feedback from the regulars, any thoughts anyone?
That would be a great idea. Maybe they could be closely (but different) based of real life briefs we get. Would probably be more beneficial than randomly made up ones like, 'design a poster for so and so.'

Therefore the briefs could be quite detailed with a background, aim, target audience, any requested desirables etc. Just the standard stuff really to keep it as close to a real life brief as possible.
Hi and welcome to the forums.

What kind of work are you interested in? Printing, web design, ui design, packaging, app designs, drawing?
Hey, thanks for getting back to me! I was thinking more made up ones to be honest. IN between jobs and when I have a bit of spare time I quite like just doing random posters, logos and bits and bobs so even small quick briefs could work well?
Interesting, I just found this looks like some guy just writing loads and loads of quick briefs for people? What do you think, you can even suggest briefs and add to it, I'm looking through it now, looks okay.. Would be mic ego have more detailed briefs though.
I'll try think up some more - might dig out some old damaged photos that are in need of repair - photoshop madness!

Busy weekend ahead though!