Please Help (Dual Monitor Set-Up)


New Member
My son has a Ugee 1200 drawing tablet. This works fine with his laptop. I got him a gaming pc for Xmas and we can not get it to work. When connected we get display on both the monitor and tablet. The tablet display doesn't show the files on the lhs. It's like we've just plugged 2 monitors in and we can switch between the 2 but can't get them to pair/interact. The uge cables have 3 connections on the end. 1x hdmi 1 x USB for pen. 1 x red USB for power. The pc has an RTX graphics card with 4 slots. 3 x monitor and 1 x hdmi. Hope someone can help before I have to buy another tablet.
A Common tip: By incorporating a dual monitor arm, you can create a more comfortable, organized, and efficient workspace for both gaming and using the Ugee tablet. Just remember to choose the right arm that fits your specific needs and setup. I'm having the same thought!