placement of 'Designed and printed by' inside brochure / booklet

Guys we have just finished a large booklet for a local council - we want to add some sort of small
'Designed and printed by Stable Creative' and maybe a web address / very small and feint

Is this the done thing? if so what wording is best to use, and where is acceptable to place? front inner / back inner? back page?

It's a done thing. Personally I don't like it.

If there's an imprint/acknowledegments page - then there is good.

Either there or on the back cover at 90 degrees to the spine edge.

Or wherever is agreeable amongst yourselves.
Personally I don't like it either and would never actually do it unless it's been pre agreed by the client, they are after all paying for you service and not for you to advertise yourself on their product, which if it has adverts inside would cost money in a lot cases.
There is that as well.

Usually - if it's a freebie job for a charity or the likes, I'll ask can I put my details on it as a matter of perhaps getting more work out of it in lieu of payment.

Most of the time, I prefer to get permission to display on my portfolio - plus I could tweet/fb/instagram it - all inclusive in the contract before committing to the work of course.

Plus, it's always nice for the person you did job for to promote their material through social media and give you hashtag or @ recognition too.

I prefer this way and all agreed beforehand.
If I want to know who's designed a book I normally look on the back cover or the back inside page first. Definitely check it's ok with the client first, you don't want to cover the cost of a reprint for the sake or a URL.