Pasting into Photoshop CS6


Active Member
For some reason, its only just started happening when I paste a vector as a smart object into photoshop its totally pixelated.. anyone else had this happen?

Yep but make sure you are pasting from the same colour mode to the same i.e cmyk to cmyk

... and I just checked and it seems to be OK again now. Yay to Adobe :)
Thanks guys, will try these once I'm back in the office. Hope i can get it fixed, its screwing me up at the moment.
draged and droped.... Placed....Made sure AA was checked....

Arrrrghh, I might just do a complete re-install.
Smart object pasted directly from illustrator to photoshop. This is at 100% you can see the problem. Even after a full reinstall and deleting all photoshop prefs.... I'm getting close to formatting the mac and starting from scratch

Screen Shot 2013-06-11 at 17.50.47.png
No idea really. I deleted all my prefs, re-installed cs6 and it worked again. Was a nightmare as I had a pitch to put together and needed the function more than ever.
It should paste as a smart object.

Unfortunately, smart objects are only smart to a degree. They do not output as vector from Photoshop.

They do get rasterised to the Image resolution set in photoshop. And this is visible if the resolution is too low.

The image is only scalable as a smart object within photoshop but it will always output as raster.

The only things that output from Photoshop as vector are vector masks, vector shapes, and text layers - and these must be saved as Photshop PDF (PDP) files.

Although EPS works too - it's an antiquated file format, for example reopening an EPS in photoshop completely rasterises it and flattens all the layers.

PDF is preferred.