Pantones / monitor / printer calibration


Are the Pantone swatches worth it? As there's lots of variations and there not cheap! And secondly who has there monitor and software calibrated with there printer?

I'm just wondering if its worth spending the money on these things for the business.
Absolutely essential. You can get things like Spyder Pro which will do it for you.

If you're going to be doing colour printing - then you will need to be able to get the CMYK, RGB, HEX swatches from the Pantone Books - as a reference.

Plus you don't want to be giving clients non-calibrated printed proofs to sign off on - they will get the printed product back and it will have shifted in the colour - citing good reasons for a reprint or a their money back.

You may also need to colour match a textile swatch, or other swatch a client brings to you - like a cutout from a magazine or other.

On another note - and not to be a grammar freak - but you have some serious misspelling issues in your post confusing, there, their and they're.

I think it's best practice to always be on top of your grammar, forums, emails, or just general correspondence with someone.
Right I'll look into them more. One thing I was thinking was I'd get the proof from the printers first but then if a client has a preferred printer then I guess it's best my proof is exact.

I completely understand about the grammar, it's something I struggle with a lot but I am trying to improve it. I was thinking of re-doing English gcse at some point if I can get funding for it as it's something I'd like to improve.
I think it's something everyone struggles with, especially with text predictors on mobile phones... anyway - it's not a huge deal here, but could be a deal breaker to a potential client.
My garmmar and sepllnig is shcoking on froums and in txet at tiems, as I tned to tpye too fsat and not boehtr to porof raed bferoe I psot.

I bet you could still read that though! :icon_biggrin:

I can't remember the technical term for the way our brains can easily read mis-spelt gibberish like this by simply having the first and last letter in the correct places for each word.
Ah it's just one of those things. With long documents I've fired clients over bad grammar - with them expecting me to correct... not a proofreader