Online Training - Opinions


Hi there,

Just joined and this is my first post. :icon_thumbup:

Like a lot of people just now, I feel I am stuck in a rut in my job and I am looking at ways to increase my chances of getting a new job. I did some multimedia work during my course at Uni, however, neither of my two jobs so far have had any element of this.

It has been quite a few years since I even looked at Flash or Dreamweaver, so was thinking about doing some online training. Has anyone done any of these or have any recommendations as to good online courses that deal with web design, flash or application design?

It would need to be online, can't afford to go back to Uni due to money and child care commitments.

Hi & welcome to the forum

If you are looking for good, free resources to get back into web then I'd recommend; W3Schools Online Web Tutorials and Web development tutorials, from beginner to advanced | Nettuts+

be prepared for a steep learning curve if you haven't done web for a while. It has changed a lot in the last few years and continues to develop at a frightening pace. HTML5 and, to a lesser extent CSS3, are the buzz things for basic page development right now.

Beyond that there are both mobile and Internet TV compatibility considerations that are becoming pretty important. For example, if you intend to dust down your copy of Flash then consider how (if at all) it will display on an Apple device.

As for Apps I think that would be a great area to diversify into. The Android SDK is completely free; Android SDK | Android Developers and the market is growing all the time.

Hope some of those links help :icon_biggrin:
Hello Buddy,

You can also take a look at I found it quite good...:icon_biggrin: