Online Data Storage, please help


New Member
Can somebody please help.

My company wants to make our JPEGs and PDFs accessible for downloading to our reps and some of our customers online, somewhere they can easily logon to or maybe I can send them links. They must only be able to download documents – not delete or edit. Memory needed will be in the region of 10gbs. Does anybody know of any software or service which provides what I'm after.

I hope I've posted this in the right place, apologies if I haven't made myself clear but I would really appreciate some help.


PS. great forum BTW
Where's your website hosted? Why not just create a folder on your server, upload the image and send te URL to the customer to download??
Thanks for replying Boss Hog,
I want customers to be able to access some sort of archive where they can pick and choose what they want without bothering me all the time. The customers usually require over 100 documents at a time so uploading and sending URLs everyday is something i'm trying to avoid. Apologies Boss Hog, This isn't really my field of expertise and the guy who looks after our website can never be contacted and is never helpful.

Hi Dave,

It would be perfect apart from (I might be wrong here) the customer would be able to take the documents off of the Dropbox folder instead of just copying them off. I want them to permanently stay in there. I think its the same with Google Drive.
Hi There,

Just spotted this thread and thought this might be useful: PHP Scripts - Freelance Manager | CodeCanyon

We've been using it for a little while now on our website, and it integrates quite nicely. You can upload files to certain projects and allows a bit of workflow control as well (approve/reject etc). However, if you have a LOT of files, this might be too time consuming. It does fit the rest of your requirements though (client login, read-only files etc)