New website woohoo!

Your 'About Me' page.. :icon_clapping: quality really made me lol. Nice website. I did find one typo but I am afraid to say, as I don't want one of your side effects to start on you lol:

( You have 'too' instead of 'to') :icon_biggrin:

PS. Take a deep breath and count to 10 lol. Great site man!
Thanks for the spot! I'm sorting out bits as I go so always happy for the extra eyes :)
Your 'About Me' page.. :icon_clapping: quality really made me lol. Nice website. I did find one typo but I am afraid to say, as I don't want one of your side effects to start on you lol:

(Head Full of Feathers @ Robot Angels You have 'too' instead of 'to') :icon_biggrin:

PS. Take a deep breath and count to 10 lol. Great site man!