Need some help


New Member
Ok I need some opinions and constructive criticism.

Take a look at my site So far its received great feedback in the way it looks but I'm looking for feedback with regards to usability and overall experience.

- Did you find pages easily?
- Could you navigate through the site properly?
- What did you think of the layout/structure?

Most importantly what do you think of the written content and how its structured. Please be page specific (some are good, some not so I think).

Would you call or email? If no I need to know:-

- Whats holding you back
- what improvements I could make

Thankyou all in advance :)

Would you call or email?

No I wouldn't I'm afraid. One simple reason being that your contact details are nowhere to be seen above the fold! I also have to scroll down nearly two pages worth to actually find anything that might invite me to call you. The area in the black 'footer' is what I'd want to read if I were looking for graphic design services. That stuff should be front and centre when the page loads up (which is a bit slow by the way). I'd lose the 'Eye For Design' stuff or demote it down the page as I'd bloody hope you have an eye for design as a graphic designer!

Also semantically you've got 13 h5 tags and no h1... Just thought I'd mention it :icon_wink:
No I wouldn't I'm afraid. One simple reason being that your contact details are nowhere to be seen above the fold! I also have to scroll down nearly two pages worth to actually find anything that might invite me to call you. The area in the black 'footer' is what I'd want to read if I were looking for graphic design services. That stuff should be front and centre when the page loads up (which is a bit slow by the way). I'd lose the 'Eye For Design' stuff or demote it down the page as I'd bloody hope you have an eye for design as a graphic designer!

Thankyou so are you saying the 4 boxes should go and the text in the footer should go there instead? That would probably make sense lol. Good point about the phone number too :)

See these things now look obvious and I tell other people to do it but we never take our own advice eh.
Oh God don't get him started on h tags and coding :icon_biggrin:

Haven't had a look but will and get back to you :icon_smile:
See these things now look obvious and I tell other people to do it but we never take our own advice eh.

True in any walk of life and I am just as bad. The mechanic has worn out brakes, the doctor smokes and drinks too much and don't get me started on the police... I tell people they MUST update their website regularly. Just don't ask me last time I did mine.
Oh thats because H5 contains that marketing font H1 is a different font. but noted thank you .

Semantic tags aren't for design, they make sense of a document. If you want to apply a particular font then why not use a class? Every page needs an h1 tag :icon_smile:
Thank you for your continued support Sam :icon_tongue_smilie:
Come on now, you knows I loves ya really :icon_tongue_smilie:

Had a look at the site, I'd have to agree far too much having to scroll down and look for what I really want to know which would have the net result of me chuffing off
Only had a quick look (too) but agree it is not so easy to find out how to contact you without scrolling or clicking. You also have a number of typos... which would put me off - but I am a bit of a pedant. Your h1 tags should contain your target search words (I'm assuming).

OK Corrosive - when did you last update your site?
