Need help on a re-branding task


New Member
Hi Guys,

I've been set a task by a Software and Multimedia company, that I am trying to obtain some Graphic Design work from. Basically, they have given me a copy of the company's promotional brochure to study.

They have asked me to return next week and tell them exactly how the brochure was put together, what is right with it, what is wrong with it, the changes I would make to it and suggestions for a new logo.

For the most part, I know what I want to say. Personally, there is a lot of changes I would make and very little of the existing brochure I would keep intact! However, I am not sure how I should present myself and if that would be an appropriate thing to say!
Should I come back to them with a presentation such as sketches and concepts? Or, should I attempt to do something on screen?

Bearing in mind, this could be the difference between getting a job or not. If anyone has any suggestions or advice on how to approach this and tips on how to impress them, it would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers guys,

Take Control.

Hi Jamster,

I have been in this situ before!

I decided to come across straight to the point!

The Company that i did work for wanted me to re-brand there company and to look at what they had done to advertise before. I found that the company has other things to do, and love you as the designer taking control (at the end of the day there is a reason why they want you to do this rather than the company that did it before) and that because they want change.

If they wanted what they had before you wouldnt be there!

Make as many changes as you like and tell them why. I found going to basics, pen to paper was a really good way to get some layout/ideas across. And if you have time redesign a page or 2 of what they had before, to how you would have done it.


Good Luck
I agree with CTL Designs, but I would also handle it with caution.

You will in effect be giving them a free pitch from what I can make out from your description so do not leave anything with them until you KNOW you have the job. The last thing you want is to put in your hard work and have one of their 'in-house designers' go and do it for nothing.

Good luck and I hope it goes well.
Experience in other areas tells me that tenders which you sweat blood over are routinely handed over to successful bidders as a resource but it's all in the (tightly-worded) agreement; sounds like the poster has no formal arrangement with the company they're pitching to so should assert copyright on anything they produce - the company ought to see it as good professional practice.
I see this as purely an exercise in seeing how you work, how you appraise another's work and the level of creativity you can offer by suggesting possible routes for developing the brochure.
I doubt they're trying to get 'free design'!
Make constructive observations and make some sketches of how you'd approach it. Or, find some brochures or tear sheets that have a similar level of look and feel and take those to talk through.
I doubt they're trying to get 'free design'!
Make constructive observations and make some sketches of how you'd approach it. Or, find some brochures or tear sheets that have a similar level of look and feel and take those to talk through.

Maybe you are right and they aren't after something for nothing, but unfortunately there are many clients that will attempt to use your ideas to their own advantage. A client can get a design project for next to nothing if they would rather sacrifice quality for budget design or to decide to take the project 'in-house' on reflection of what they have been offered.

I would not expect a client to be upset if you feel the need to protect your ideas and creative processes.

All I am saying really is to tread with caution. When we are invited to meet with a client we have to expect that we are also there with another 3 or 4 other design consultancies pitching for the same project. By all means as pcbranding explains, show them indirectly what you can offer, but I personally also try not to give too much away until decisions are being made.
I may have misinterpreted the original poster's question. I was thinking he was looking for a job from them, not trying to get design projects from them!
Don't do anything other than show you understand what they've asked you and take in the tear sheet/sample ideas - these don't cost anything and show your level of understanding what is appropriate and also that you value your design skills!!
