Hey folks.
need some quick Advice on navigation bars.
i make web designs in photoshop and put them into dreamweaver then make Divs ect ect..
my question is, do you make navagation bars in photoshop and then slice them up, and if yes how do you make a navigation bar go into a already made template with a div space ready for it to be put in ?
if no do you make them in flash ?
iv tried looking on google and watching videos but not much help.
Thanks for your help peeps :icon_notworthy:
need some quick Advice on navigation bars.
i make web designs in photoshop and put them into dreamweaver then make Divs ect ect..
my question is, do you make navagation bars in photoshop and then slice them up, and if yes how do you make a navigation bar go into a already made template with a div space ready for it to be put in ?
if no do you make them in flash ?
iv tried looking on google and watching videos but not much help.
Thanks for your help peeps :icon_notworthy: