Hi Priyesh, I have taken on board your comments and redesigned my website, take a look and let me know what you think (fyi the image on the front page is only temporary, I was going to do some hand-drawn text here)..
In response to some of your questions:
'Projects' were what I did in University whereas 'work' was work that I did while working volutarily at a design firm, these have been put together in 'portfolio'
I do have facebook, but I don't really use it - its mostly for keeping in touch with a few people from Uni. I have linked my pinterest and twitter accounts, I don't use any accounts for things clients might find innapropriate.
I have simplified the colour scheme using the turquoise as the main colour, it should look less feminine now.
All the pieces on the site are my best works.
About/ contact link did work, though they are now separate links controlled by anchors.
What do you feel is wrong with my logo? This is the first negative comment I've had on it!