My NEW website - feedback requested


New Member
I like it, straight forward and easy to navigate, at a glance the only things that I noticed were...

Your header navigation text, seemed a little distorted and as though you have optimised the files too much.

The e-mail link in the header, maybe make this a mailto: link (maybe not wise for spam) or at least a link to your contact page.

The site doesn't w3c validate, no big deal but with a bit of tinkering it could quite easily.
Thanks for the feedback Boss.

Will have a look at the nav bar as quite a few people have mentioned it now.

Made some subtle changes which i think makes some areas more easy to read and eye catching.

Will post back after i have made the amends which everyone has thankfully pointed out.
I would change those buttons to be just 1 image (poss incorporate rollovers too) and use a list with anchor text, this way you only need to create 1 button and reuse (as its the same). this way you will get your main anchor text navigation indexed and a consistent/sharper look on the text.

you can still optimise the button image and it will distort less, optimisation doesn't work well with text.
You will also reduce the http requests