My Latest Logo Designs


New Member
Thought I'd share some of my work before I start commenting on others....

Logo Design UK

This is my logo design portfolio as it stands, could do with a little bit of an update but any comments are quite welcome.
Your designs are excellent - really like your style.

One thing I would say however, is that I dislike the flash portfolio. It seems to be becoming increasingly popular, however in my oppinion just takes way to long to click through the designs!

I, personally, like to be able to click through all the designs in seconds. This allows potential customers to quickly see what you are capable of and not get frustrated about having to click, open and close for each design.

Is there a reason why you chose this option? As like I said I am seeing it all over - so i'm just wondering if i'm missing a trick :p
I hadnt noticed that! (but does that not mean that perhaps others are also not noticing this).

Does anybody have any ready made code that makes images expand large on mouse-over?
Very nice work, I particulary like;

IotoMouti - cool name helps
Silks Right Hand
Dive West - Brilliant!
Genius Switch
Green Chalk

I could probably list more, but your portfolio is huge, I could only look through so much!

Excellent job!I should say I really like your style of Geometric.